What is WECARE?
The Wellness Educators for Change, Advocacy, and Resource Engagement (WECARE) are a group of student employees tasked with sharing their experiences and education with other students striving to live healthier and happier lives. These paid students work within Wellness and Prevention Services and assist with educational programming, outreach, and campus and community partnerships alongside Justin Parks, Coordinator for Wellness Promotion, and other members of the office.
All WECARE students undergo CPE training to become Certified Peer Educators, and receive a wealth of experience related to the topic areas covered by the office, including sexual health, nutrition, substance use and recovery, and more. Students interested in working with WECARE can reach out to Justin Parks at parksjd1@appstate.edu and lookout for applications on Handshake each year.
WeCARE provides students with a range of educational training programs available in-person.
All first-year and transfer students are required to complete the itMatters online modules to build well-being skills for their first semester at App State.
WeCARE provides students with a range of educational training programs available remotely.
Presentations are available for groups, classes, and clubs on a variety of topics that promote and protect healthy lifestyles.